On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Rafael Skodlar wrote: > This is spam as far as I'm concerned. There is nothing about Linux or > related to it. Windows scripting is a joke based on DOS crap. Therefore my > conclusion is this email is nothing more than SPAM from Windows Scripting > Solutions folks. Why should I care about windows crap! Get lost! > > This is not the first time I received spam that was somewhat related to > this mailing list. It's despicable to use mailing lists for spamming. > There are people (digital whores) who subscribe to mailing lists to > harvest addresses for spam. Their fingers should be chopped off for each > offence. ok. why should u care about windows crap? um. hello! we're living in a world where marketing determines what software we use and like it or not, windows has the monopoly on it at the moment. Do you consider GNU/Linux a viable alternative? you're andswer should be yes. I also consider GNU/Linux to be a viable alternative but, until either you or I have the billions of dollars that these fools that call themselves microsoft have we'll just have to rely on word of mouth and companies like ibm and the like that want to deal with linux as a viable solution.. yes this is spam but let's not blow it off like that. be polite about it. I don't like it any more than you do but I'm gonna read it all the same. I wanna see who's up to what. And, while I'm on it, if GNU/Linux is going to want to even come near toppling microbrains, it'll have to be severely dumbed down for the masses who neither know or care who the fuck's doing what to they're computer or how it works. Either that or start educating everyone on how their computer works and what to do when it falls over. I for one would like to see microsoft get what they deserve. a kick in the ass and told to clean up they're act and ultimately go get stuffed and to kiss our collective asses for their underhanded exploitative scare mungering tactics. so if someone sends you spam deal with it in a polite manner. write a procmail recipe to bounce it back to em 100 times. bwhahaha. -- Shaun If little else, the brain is an educational toy. -- Tom Robbins EMAIL: shauno@goanna.net.au ICQ: 76958435