I would like to thank several people for their help! at 2:14A.M. September 14, 2001 the dell computer I have went completely verbal with speakup 0.10. William Acker is owed a debt of thanks for the package as are the rest of the developers in the speakup list. Ron Marriage thanks for the partition structure. Janina Sagka, thanks much for the help with specific technical details and ideas for where to go in the maze of silence that is the lot of those who are not yet where I am now. Thanks also to William Acker for having forgotten to erase vmlinuz-2.2.16-22 from his redhat-7.0 directory, it really has come in handy. Thanks to the membership of the penguin_club and in particular to Fleet Teachout who stayed with me long enough to get the first stable linux installation and basic speech working. Jude <jdashiel@shellworld.net>