On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Karl Dahlke wrote: > Someone described a pseudo-always-on dsl connection from Ameritech, > wherein the company drops you if you're not busy, > and you wake up with a new ip address. > What a frightening thought. have a look at http://www.dhs.org great and quick service to get a dynamic-ip with a fixed-hostname. Works fine. > I've just started hosting my own web site, on my own machine, > and I don't know why I didn't take the plunge long ago. > It's easy, and it's fun. > There are numerous advantages, and a couple disadvantages. > Well anyways, it would be unthinkable if I had such a terrible isp. > I certainly can't reprogram all the name servers on the internet > every time they decide to give me a new ip address. > The cable at-home service doesn't work like that, > and I have nothing but good things to say about them. > They even tried to help me set up, > knowing that I was on Linux. > That's pretty rare. > > Getting back to the IPs; > one day we lost the bill, or it got lost in the mail, or whatever, > and I was behind, so they turned off the service. > I called with my credit card to turn it back on and asked, > please please please, > can I have my old ip back again. > "Sure, we've been saving it for you." > Now that's class, > and its certainly important to those of us who are hosting our own sites. > > Karl Dahlke > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Blinux-list@redhat.com > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list > slainte mhaith (good health), slainte (cheers) Uisce Beatha (water of live/health) ----------- Andor Demarteau E-mail: ademarte@students.cs.uu.nl student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ Utrecht University irc: see webpage for details ----------- Believe in yourself, know what you want, and make it happen!