In your home directory edit your .mailcap file. Here is an example of a .mailcap file: audio/basic; trplayer %s audio/x-mpeg; trplayer %s audio/x-pn-realaudio; trplayer %s audio/x-realaudio; trplayer %s audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin; trplayer %s The .mailcap file tells lynx what helper functions to run with each mime type it encounters. You can identify the mime type by taking a snapshot of the lynx screen each time it encounters a new mime type and asks you to download or cancel it. If lynx does not know the mime type you can help lynx identify the mime type using the .mime.types file which also resides in your home directory. The .mime.types file identifies mime types from file extensions. Here is an example of a .mime.types file: audio/mpegurl m3u audio/mpeg mp3 audio/scpls pls Have fun. Rudy