On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Karl Dahlke wrote: > Yes, but it's not that hard. > The commands are straightforward, like delete and retrieve etc. > I've done it before, when my mail client wasn't working, or whatever. > I could write a one page summary on how to get/send mail through telnet. try using smtp next? rfc822 > Right. > I believe the mod I installed handles 3c590 and 3c900[abc] cards. > Should I try to support some of the older 3c5xx cards? only older pci-card might be helpfull. > It looked fine, but wouldn't uncompress and run properly. > It just sat there, with a kernel panic on the screen, > that I couldn't read. Frustrated the hell out of me. > It happened at about 650K, which is where I'm at now. > Maybe this bug has been fixed in 2.4, > which is the kernel I'm using. > I'll give it a try. I've always used large kernels of all the firewall-stuff I'm usually playing around with. Never had troubles. > I also have to think about the general utility of the system. > I'm already pushing the limits of my wife's 16MB machine. > If the kernel were any larger, I couldn't run all those internet tools. > Well everything has a quarter gig these days - > do I really have to worry about people with 16mb machines? > I don't know. That's a trick question right? I'm not sure, you could create a 2-disk set with only the necessry tools on it. If you do that correctly, you probably won't have lynx and ftp. But you would have network/repairtools so that you at least can rescue yoru system (or let someone do it). > Yes, but I'm on a nonstandard port. > The average hacker wouldn't think to go there. > Still, I might try to use ipchains > to make sure all the packets come from my box. > I have a static ip address, > so I can set this up. > Nobody's going to figure out how to spoof the ip addresses > during the short time that I'm connected to somebody else's box, > and once things are working over there, > I'll probably never have to make that particular connection again. > With a me-and-only-me ipchains rule, it's really quite safe. If I intercept only one packet I know the source and estination-port, nmap will let it show up as well. SSH would be better, but too big for floppies I think. > loadlin I think. > But they just try to boot and put you up on a cd. > I don't think they give you a functional linux internet ready system > just from a couple of floppies. > Correct me if I'm wrong. no, not loadlin but O forgot what it was. Yes, you have to boot form 2 disks nowadays. Rescue.bbin and root.bin The install-system a leasts holds some repair-tools and things like ifconfig/route if you'd strip-out the install (dbootstrap) utils, you might have a nice basis. > Karl > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Blinux-list@redhat.com > https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/blinux-list > slainte mhaith (good health), slainte (cheers) Uisce Beatha (water of live/health) ----------- Andor Demarteau E-mail: ademarte@students.cs.uu.nl student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ Utrecht University irc: see webpage for details ----------- Believe in yourself, know what you want, and make it happen!