Hi ! We will be starting the uprev procedure (aka merge of the next branch to master) now. Expect the build to be unstable during the actual merge. I'll notify this list once the uprev is completed. Thanks! Best, Jan-Simon Möller -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#9787): https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/message/9787 Mute This Topic: https://lists.automotivelinux.org/mt/90626220/2167316 Group Owner: agl-dev-community+owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Unsubscribe: https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/leave/4543822/2167316/883735764/xyzzy [list-automotive-discussions82@xxxxxxxxxxx] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-