Hello everyone,
you can find the latest results from testing master branch here:
https://jira.automotivelinux.org/secure/enav/#?query=project%20%3D%20%22%20AGL%20Development%22%20AND%20fixVersion%20%3D%20%22master%22%20AND%20cycleName%20in%20(%2220220118%20-%20AGL%20Demo%20UI%20-%20Base%20Plan%22)Available apps:
Dashboard, HVAC, Navigation, Settings and Weston terminal
Dashboard, HVAC, Navigation, Settings and Weston terminal
Bluetooth works with a 'rfkill unblock bluetooth' nudge; Wifi works via connmanctl
Wifi and wired/ethernet menus in Settings are not yet converted to show networks/interfaces.
Audio is also not working yet.
Homescreen can now start applications from the top bar.
Language switching in Dashboard is not ready yet.
HVAC and Navigation apps work.
Homescreen can now start applications from the top bar.
Language switching in Dashboard is not ready yet.
HVAC and Navigation apps work.
Best regards,
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