Hi Carles,
welcome to the AGL Mailinglist & Community.
A few hints on the PI image:
- The boot flow is either:
a) RPi internal Bootloader reads dtb+dtbo and loads kernel and hands-over combined dtb+dtbo addr to kernel.
b1) RPi internal loader chainloads u-boot, uboot loads kernel and *reuses* the memory address for the combined dtb+dtbo (see above) and hands this to the kernel.
b2) Rpi internal loader chainloads u-boot and u-boot needs to load the kernel, the dtb, the dtbo's and has to apply these before starting the kernel .
So disabling u-boot for you means you end-up with a) .
With u-boot enabled, you probably end-up with b1) but maybe the sizes/addresses where things are stored are too close or overlap and things don't work out. That would be my best guess atm.
We tend to do a variant of b2) in our CI: our system boots over network, thus we can load kernel+dtb over network (but won't handle dtbo's in that setup).
Thus we do apply https://git.automotivelinux.org/AGL/meta-agl/tree/meta-agl-bsp/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-kernel/create-combined-dtb/create-combined-dtb_1.0.0.bb at build-time to pre-created a working dtb out of the original dtb plus the dtbo's that we need. Maybe you can leverage these instructions to create a dtb for u-boot with app bits applied for debugging purposes.
Can you share the u-boot printenv of the working not-working case ?
Am Montag, 29. November 2021, 16:40:58 CET schrieben Sie:
> Hello all,
> I have build agl-image-minimal for Rpi4 64bit using Lamprey release. I have
> modifyied following files to enable pwm in Rpi4: { workspace}/ bsp /meta-
> raspberrypi / conf / machine / include /rpi-base.inc
> overlays/pwm.dtbo
> overlays/pwm-2chan.dtbo
> {workspace}/bsp/meta-raspberrypi/recipes-bsp/rpi-config_git.bb
> Echo „ dtoverlay = pwm “ >>${DEPLOYDIR}/$-{BOOTFILES_DIR_NAME}/config.txt
> If I boot the raspberry Pi with this image I get the error in the picture
> attached. However if I disable u-boot by setting RPI_USE_U_BOOT = „0" in
> {workspace}/meta- agl /meta- agl - bsp / conf / include /
> agl_raspberrypi4.inc
> then it boots fine and I can configure HW PWM without issues. Also If I do
> not disable U-boot but I do not modify config.txt it also boots fine. What
> is required to enable pwm but still use u-boot to boot the system?
> Any hints are most welcomed.
> Best Regards,
> Carles
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