[agl-dev-community] Advise on booting issue.

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Hi guys,

I have successfully build an agl-image-minimal image from master branch, but I am facing some booting issue.

This is the command that I am using to run qemu:
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048  -kernel bzImage.bin   -hda agl-image-minimal-qemux86-64-20200602195611.rootfs.wic.vmdk -append "root=/dev/hda2 console=ttyS0"    -cpu kvm64 -cpu qemu64,+ssse3,+sse4.1,+sse4.2,+popcnt     -vga virtio -show-cursor     -device virtio-rng-pci     -serial mon:stdio     -soundhw hda     -net nic,vlan=0     -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2223-:22,hostfwd=tcp::8888-:8888,hostfwd=tcp::8081-:8080
Please advise me if I am doing something wrong or if there is a problem with the current master branch. If someone explains it to me what is the actual problem that would be pretty much appreciated.

When booting, the system seems not to be able to mount the boot partition and i see this error:

A start job is running for /dev/disk/by-uuid/6573-891B (31s / 4min)
[ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/08F5-1CB0.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /boot.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File Systems.

Running lsblk is returning:

fd0      2:0    1    4K  0 disk
hda      3:0    0  1.4G  0 disk
|-hda1   3:1    0 24.7M  0 part
`-hda2   3:2    0  1.4G  0 part /
hdc     22:0    1    4G  0 disk

When I run blkid id on those partitions I get this, so it seems like the targeted partition is /dev/hda1.

sh-5.0# blkid /dev/hda
/dev/hda: PTUUID="89bb5e00-27a5-4447-97d2-237d00a73353" PTTYPE="gpt"
sh-5.0# blkid /dev/hda1
/dev/hda1: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL_FATBOOT="msdos" LABEL="msdos" UUID="08F5-1CB0" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="msdos" PARTUUID="f7664d17-9a8c-48ea-81f8-acc1e5ce1a83"
sh-5.0# blkid /dev/hda2
/dev/hda2: LABEL="platform" UUID="9dc13dde-78d5-42d9-83da-d8919316aad3" BLOCK_SIZE="4096" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="platform" PARTUUID="be8ceb34-6313-4374-abd6-425acc65d880"

This is the content of fstab:

sh-5.0# cat /etc/fstab
# stock fstab - you probably want to override this with a machine specific one

/dev/root            /                    auto       defaults              1  1
proc                 /proc                proc       defaults              0  0
devpts               /dev/pts             devpts     mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,gid=5      0  0
tmpfs                /run                 tmpfs      mode=0755,nodev,nosuid,strictatime 0  0
tmpfs                /var/volatile        tmpfs      defaults              0  0

# uncomment this if your device has a SD/MMC/Transflash slot
#/dev/mmcblk0p1       /media/card          auto       defaults,sync,noauto  0  0

UUID=08F5-1CB0    /boot    vfat    defaults    0    0

Thank you,
Bogdan Ilies


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