Hi all,
I’m need help figuring out how I can get VSHL-CORE to properly register the Alexa voice agent. I’m seeing the permissions issue below.
I built an AGL image from master (Icefish) without the Alexa voice agent. I built the Alexa voice agent on my own using the Icefish toolchain and our current Alexa Auto SDK. I applied all the patches that you guys currently apply
I also modified the Alexa config json as needed. The alexa voice agent starts up, but I can the vshl core plugin does not read the voice-high.json that I placed under /etc/xdg/AGL/
I also placed alexa.json to /etc/xdg/AGL/voiceagents/ (following what the receipes are doing).
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: WARNING: [API vshl-core] CTL-LOAD-CONFIG:REQUIRE Fail to get=signal-composer [/usr/src/debug/libappcontroller/9.90.0-r0/git/ctl-lib/ctl-config.c:115,DispatchRequireOneApi]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb audit[59202]: AVC lsm=SMACK fn=smack_inode_getattr action="" subject="User::App::vshl-core" object="System" requested=r pid=59202 comm="afbd-vshl-core" path="/etc/xdg/AGL/voice-high.json" dev="mmcblk1p1" ino=980
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error'
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: what(): filesystem error: status: Permission denied [/etc/xdg/AGL/voice-high.json]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: ERROR: Terminating signal 6 received: Aborted [/usr/src/debug/af-binder/master+gitAUTOINC+7901c6dada-r0/git/src/sig-monitor.c:351,on_signal_terminate]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: ERROR: BACKTRACE due to signal Aborted/6:
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [1/22] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZN9__gnu_cxx27__verbose_terminate_handlerEv+0x188) [0xffffbd0defb0]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [2/22] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9dd14) [0xffffbd0dcd14]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [3/22] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(+0x9dd60) [0xffffbd0dcd60]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [4/22] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(__cxa_rethrow+0) [0xffffbd0dd020]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [5/22] /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6(_ZNSt10filesystem6statusERKNS_7__cxx114pathE+0xa4) [0xffffbd18bbd4]
Apr 07 22:00:51 m3ulcb afbd-vshl-core[59202]: [6/22] /var/local/lib/afm/applications/vshl-core/lib/plugins/vshl-core-api.ctlso(loadVoiceAgentsConfig+0x14c) [0xffffbd24224c]
Is there anything additional I need to do to solve that permission error.
Alexa Auto SDK
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