I have tried working with 2 AGL images downloaded from-
Guppy 7.0.4 - https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/AGL/release/guppy/7.0.4/qemux86-64/deploy/images/qemux86-64/
Halibut 8.0.3 - https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/AGL/release/halibut/8.0.3/qemux86-64/deploy/images/qemux86-64/
I have cloned the "helloworld-native-application" and "agl-service-helloworld" from the links you have provided. Generated .wgt files, Secure copied them to remote host (in my case QEMU x86_64) and installed them successfully.
On Guppy -
The output of afm-util start helloworld-native-application@0.1-fe2c958-dirty
But journalctl -f log does not produce any ping messages.It also throws few errors.
I have also tried by clicking the helloworld-native-application icon on the homescreen - No ping messages in the log file.
On Halibut -
The output of afm-util start helloworld-native-application@0.1-fe2c958-dirty
ERROR: cannot-start
journalctl -f log does not produce any ping messages. It also throws few errors.
But when I click on the helloworld-native-application icon on the homescreen - I see ping response messages in the log file.
Can you please guide me what the issue is?
Thanks in advance.
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