Hello Oguzhan,
It seems that no hal json configuration file has been
detected by
hal-manager at loading.
By default, all hal json configuration files are deployed
'/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc.available' and needs to be
moved in
'/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc' to be detected by
Could you check that your configuration file is deployed
'/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc' ?
If not, can you move it into '/usr/libexec/agl/4a-hal/etc'
and restart
4a audio service by using systemctl command :
- To get the exact name of the 4a audio service :
systemctl | grep
- To restart the service : systemctl restart XXX (with
XXX the name of
4a service)
If your configuration file is in the right directory and
you still have
an error, I will need the results of these commands to
help you :
- journalctl | grep afbd-agl-service-audio
- ls -lah /dev/snd/by-path
- aplay -l
- amixer -D hw:X controls (with X the id of your card
result by aplay -l)
On 12/03/2019 14:38, Oguzhan Mutlu wrote:
> Hello,
> We are trying to adapt the AGL flounder distribution
to our custom
> board and we decided to use 4a-framework for audio
management. We
> built the system and there is no problem with that.
Then we wrote our
> own specific hal configuration. But other agl
services cannot get the
> right device uri. When we used afb-client-demo
application to see what
> it returns, we are seeing the device uri section is
empty. You can see
> our log and our hal config is in the attachments.
> Kind Regards
> Command:
> 4a-api hals
> Response:
> Detected systemd unit file!
> Port detected:
> ---
> 4a-hal-manager loaded {'verbose':false,'all':false}
> ---
> ON-REPLY 1:4a-hal-manager/loaded: OK
> {
> "response":[
> ],
> "jtype":"afb-reply",
> "request":{
> "status":"success",
> "info":"Requested data"
> }
> }
> Command:
> 4a-api roles
> Response:
> Detected systemd unit file!
> Port detected:
> ---
> ahl-4a get_roles
> ---
> ON-REPLY 1:ahl-4a/get_roles: OK
> {
> "response":[
> ],
> "jtype":"afb-reply",
> "request":{
> "status":"success"
> }
> }
> Client:
> afb-client-demo -H
> Command:
> ahl-4a multimedia { "action": "open" }
> Response:
> ON-REPLY 1:ahl-4a/multimedia: OK
> {
> "response":{
> "device_uri":""
> },
> "jtype":"afb-reply",
> "request":{
> "status":"success"
> }
> }
> Command:
> 4a-hal-manager loaded { "verbose": true }
> Response:
> ON-REPLY 1:4a-hal-manager/loaded: OK
> {
> "response":[
> ],
> "jtype":"afb-reply",
> "request":{
> "status":"success",
> "info":"Requested data"
> }
> }
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