Good, the JSON format used by the generator is mainly get from
dbc key. It would be great to integrate it in the generator
repository, would you agree ? May be it has to be little bit
tweaked or modified to fit in details the JSON Low-CAN format else
I will do the same soon, that's no big deal.
On 9/26/18 7:14 PM, David Kincaid
I found a python package
for converting CAN database formats:
Support and convert several CAN (Controller Area
Network) database formats .arxml .dbc .dbf .kcd .sym
fibex xls(x) ...
I used the canconvert tool from that package to convert
our DBC file to JSON. I then wrote a python script to modify the
format of that JSON so
low-level-can-generator could read it and output application-generated.cpp.
This part of the documentation has been taken from OpenXC
documentation but as specified not well tested here and as
to be taken as is... As far as I know, I think it has been
deprecated and not maintained anymore. So a new one should
be developed not relying on upstream OpenXC. Reusing the
code without bringing the whole OpenXC development
I'd be on it, anyway I can't do it right now but for
start I'd need a XML sample file, it would simplify a bit
the thing for me. I'll take a look at it soon and let you
Best regards.
Romain Forlot - Embedded Engineer -
- - +33675142438
On 2018-09-24 17:54, David Kincaid wrote:
Regarding CAN bus I'm having an issue
generating a signals.json file from a
signals.xml file. Following the
instructions in the link below I created
a signals.xml file from my DBC file
using Vector's CANdb++ then created a
mapping.json file.
The following is not working for me:
python -m openxc.utils ./ signals.xml mapping.json signals.json
The above appears to do nothing other
than load the modules then exit.
I've been able to manually create my own
signals.json file taking a single
message from the XML file then went on
to create application-generated.cpp,
built low-can-service, installed it and
verified it can handle the new message.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Romain Forlot - Embedded Engineer -
romain.forlot@xxxxxxx - - +33675142438
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