Yes, it works fine with 2.4.19-ac4 kernel.
Shark wrote:
I am trying to make hpt372 controller work with 2 maxtor 60GB disks
under debian woody.
I am using 2.4.18 kernel.
I'm sure that 2.4.19-ac4 works perfectly with that controller, ... i think
that you can install debian perfectly if you use this kernel.
If I use RAID 1 then I do not see any /dev/ataraid when trying to
partition the disks. I see only /dev/hde and /dev/hdg.
When I change to RAID 0 then /dev/ataraid/ is available. Does that mean
that RAID 1 is not supported yet? I guess so.
Will it be supported in the near future?
I think that it is not supported,... but really dont know,...
Ok, I decided to use RAID 0. I partition the /dev/ataraid. When I finish
with partitioning then I can not read/mount disks any more so I can not
initialize the partitions.
Any suggestions?
Install vmware or another emulator and compile a kernel to install
debian,... (2.4.19-ac4 will work).