I'm about to build a Red Hat file server for home usage -- mp3s, backups, and possibly home directories. I'm planning to buy a pair of large (120gb, probably) HD's and run them RAID1. The machine is an old PII/400 with 64 or 128mb of RAM (can't remember). I want the OS on the RAID drives as well -- might as well protect the OS from drive failure too. I'm trying to decide: - How to do the RAID. - Promise RAID controller? - PCI IDE controller and software RAID? - Onboard IDE controller and software RAID? (and HD overlay software) - Which OS to go with -- Red Hat 7.3 or 8.0. Since this is a networked file server, performance will generally be bandwidth-bound, so I'm not too worried about getting the very most out of the RAID performance. I want to keep CPU usage low though, since it's only a 400mhz machine and it seems like most NICs use quite a bit of CPU on their own. I've read the ATA RAID HOWTO at murty.net and it looks like installation won't be *too* painful once I choose a strategy. Can anyone offer some pointers? Thanks. -- scott evans :: www.antisleep.com