Dear ataraid people, I have some questions about Ataraid (the non Promise Version): The Promise binary driver supports Autorebuild and Hotpluging on RAID1. If a drive is mounted in a hotplugable bay (not only the promise bays are working, any other hotplugable bay works, except fan, voltage and temperature monitoring !) and I pluged it out and in once more, an array rebuild starts immediately ! Now I want so switch to Ataraid for better future use... Does the native Ataraid driver (Kernel 2.4.19) supports also an arrayrebuild if a disk is pluged in ? If not, why ? If yes, how I can start rebuilding an array without reboot ? if there is a manually way to rebuild an array, how ? (of course without the bios based tool from promise) Are the linux standard raidtools are used and must I enable (linux-) Raidsupport in my kernelconfig ? I checked it out (Kernel 2.4.29 with ataraid enabled in Kernelconfig). I unpluged one drive and after a few minutes I pluged the same drive in once more, nothing else happens than errors from kernel and the result was a crashed e2fs. What's gone wrong ? Best regards Matthias Noll