Denny Schierz schrieb:
i have a gentoo maschine installed on a promise fastrack100 raid system . But i'm unable to boot from /dev/ataraid/d0p4 with lilo 22.3.3 .
I searched the whole day in google to solve the problem. but i didn't
find any way.
I have to boot from CD, and chroot into the /dev/ataraid/d0p4. I compiled a new kernel with the promise controller inside the kernel (not as a module).
i found this config:
boot=/dev/ataraid/d0 root=/dev/ataraid/d0p4 disk=/dev/ataraid/d0 bios=0x80 lba32 install=/boot/boot-menu.b ignore-table timeout=300 prompt #message=/etc/lilo.message map=/boot/map read-only image=/boot/vmlinuz label=Linux append="mem=1024M" vga=extended image=/boot/vmlinuz.old label="Linux (old)" vga=extended optional other=/dev/ataraid/d0p1 label="Windows 2000" table=/dev/ataraid/d0
and changed it for my system. But lilo tells me, that he didn't know to
handle 0x<number>.
So i'm unable to boot my new Gentoo :-(
Can anybody help?
_______________________________________________ Ataraid-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Hi try to use grub! It works perfect for me: make a boot disk: "cat stage1 stage2 > /dev/fd0" boot with the disc type into the grub shell:
root (hd0,0) (where hd0,0 is the first partition on the first disc found by the bios and, if you don´t know type (hd <TAB> to show the possibilities like in the bash)
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ataraid/d0p4 (the TAB-Key works even on filenames)
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.img
If you need help, try "help" or post again...
Greetings Helge.