Hi there, I recently bought myself an Abit-VP6 Dual PIII mainboard which includes the HPT370a ATA-RAID controller from High Point Technologies. Off-course I wanted to install Linux on some mirrored disks... Here is how I did it (it works...) 1. download the Red Hat driver disk and modified kernels from Highpoints website: http://www.highpoint-tech.com/RedHat_v73_370_372.zip 2. start up your system and create the mirror RAID in the Highpoint BIOS... 3. install Red Hat using the downloaded bootdisk, driver-disk and kernel disks (you have to follow the instructions supplied by Highpoint !!!) 4. Now download the latest kernel sources (currently 2.4.18). 5. Download the HighPoint HPT370/HPT370a OpenSource driver from their website: http://www.highpoint-tech.com/hpt3xx_opensource_v13.tgz 6. Configure your new kernel but DO NOT use the HPT370 support offered by the kernel -> this DOES NOT WORK, at least NOT with an ABIT VP6... 7. make sure to include SCSI support and SCSI disk support... 8. compile the new kernel. 9. compile the HighPoint driver (this will result in a kernel module) 10. reboot your system... I realize that this is a very abstract description... I'm writing this stuff at work and do not have my notes at hand:-) I will write a more detailed howto later today or this week... Meanwhile, I think the experienced Linux users will know how to get this working... Sincerely, Martijn Olivier Tigchelaar, DataServe Martijn Olivier Tigchelaar Directeur Eigenaar GSM: 06 53498630 Email: martijnt@xxxxxxxxxxxx DataServe Vilvoordehof 11 NL-5628 TG EINDHOVEN Tel : +31 40 2436348 Fax : +31 40 2462316 Internet: www.dataserve.nl PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this electronic mail message is privileged and confidential, and is intended only for use of the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it. Dutch privacy laws apply!
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Tigchelaar;Martijn;Olivier FN:Martijn O. Tigchelaar (martijnt@xxxxxxxxxxxx) ORG:DataServe TITLE:Directeur-Eigenaar TEL;WORK;VOICE:+31402436348 TEL;CELL;VOICE:+31653498630 TEL;WORK;FAX:+31402462316 TEL;HOME;FAX:+31402462316 ADR;WORK:;;Vilvoordehof 11;EINDHOVEN;Noord-Brabant;NL-5628 TG;Netherlands LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Vilvoordehof 11=0D=0AEINDHOVEN, Noord-Brabant NL-5628 TG=0D=0ANetherlands ADR;HOME:;;Vilvoordehof 11;EINDHOVEN;Noord-Brabant;NL-5628 TG;Netherlands LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Vilvoordehof 11=0D=0AEINDHOVEN, Noord-Brabant NL-5628 TG=0D=0ANetherlands URL;WORK:http://www.dataserve.nl EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:martijnt@xxxxxxxxxxxx REV:20020516T113216Z END:VCARD