Hello, I just noticed something strange. I have a "stupid" Promise controller embedded in my motherboard (MSI266R). I use it with 2 disks as an RAID0 array. However, I still keep my old disk, standalone, connected as a single master to IDE0. My old disk is seen as /dev/hda (in fact, it's /dev/ide/host0/etc..., but it doesn't matter) and two disks from the array as hde and hdf. However, when I upgraded lately to 2.4.19 (I used to use 2.4.17 before), this was changed : the array disks are now hda and hdb and the standalone has switched to hde... When I switch back to 2.4.17, everything is like before : hda and hde & hdf. Which behaviour is the correct one? Why was it changed and how can I force 2.4.19 kernel to behave like the old one (I need this disk to be hda)? /Maciek