> The kernel has not detected your controller as a RAID controller but rather
> as a simple EIDE controller. Thus you are not going to get hardware RAID
> anytime soon.
Promise & htp are NOT hardware raid.
I should have said "HPT RAID". Still, the idea got across.
I think linux software raid is beter, /proc interface, lot of machines in world run that, stabile, hot-add, hot-spare, hot-reconstrunction functions
But not at all easy to have *everything* including my root partition inside a RAID-0 or RAID-1 array. At least, I haven't figured it out. The Highpoint installation was *brainless*; use their boot/driver disks (along with PDF documentation that walked you through everything step by step), install RHL as always, go on with your life. And they have a GUI RAID administrator software.
Doesn't get much easier than that.
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxx