RAID in general

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G'day to all from Australia,

I have a number of rh7.1 boxes with Promise TX2  controller and 4 80 gig
Seagate drives running at RAID 0. I use the Promise binary driver and am
able to boot from the array with no problem.

I have configured these boxes with partitions as shown

[pixx@linux_3 projects]$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda8             486M   96M  365M  21% /
/dev/sda1              53M  7.4M   43M  15% /boot
/dev/sda9             216G  147G   58G  72% /home
/dev/sda7             787M  740k  746M   1% /tmp
/dev/sda5             1.9G  1.2G  709M  63% /usr

My applications use large amounts of scanned aerial images. These images
can vary in size from 100 megabytes to 900 megabytes as an individual

A complete data set may well be 50 gig or more - and i have lots and
lots and lots of these hence the huge space reqirements.

I am about to order some more of these boxes however need to ask these
questions to the list :

1. I have looked at using standard linux software RAID however could not
quite get it partitioned the way i want - as in one huge /home
partition. I have RAIDED all 4 disks together in the RAID bios level. is
there a different way that i need to partition WRT software RAID ? Can
someone give me a few dot points to follow please ?

2. On my existing boxes, I have dual processors that are running in uni
processor mode ATM cos the Promise binary will only work in single
processor mode. Does this problem exist with software RAID ?

3. Has anyone on this list had problems with Samba performance off the
linux RAID device ? I am finding my winblows boxes seem to take a while
to 'browse' through the Samba share ? I know this is most likely a
qustion for the Samba list, but thought i might try and eliminate the
RAID device to start with ..

4. Does anyone have any recommendations concerning hardware and/or
software that they think might be applicable in this instance ?

Thanks in Advance ..


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