On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 10:51 PM Genes Lists <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > 2) Jaron - your quoted Auth result header is for polarian's mail > arriving at archlinux - that one is fine. > > What about the next one leaving lists.archlinux.org and arriving at your > mail server (ip ? Some of the emails failed DMARC and were marked as spam, but it looks like it's not a problem any more. Maybe the issue was fixed? Failed, and marked as spam: Message-ID: <75dfaab5-faa6-cbe1-fd58-86f366cd3c03@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: PKGBUILD review. Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=fail header.i=@polarian.dev header.s=polarian header.b=xshP+GZx; spf=pass (google.com: domain of aur-general-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=aur-general-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dmarc=fail (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=QUARANTINE) header.from=polarian.dev Authentication-Results: lists.archlinux.org; dkim=pass header.d=polarian.dev header.s=polarian header.b=xshP+GZx; dmarc=pass (policy=reject) header.from=polarian.dev; spf=pass (lists.archlinux.org: domain of polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx Recent one passed: Message-ID: <9c14f53f-2d8c-4185-cc32-ac29e40cea43@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Dmarc failures Authentication-Results: mx.google.com; dkim=pass header.i=@polarian.dev header.s=polarian header.b=de14FXAl; spf=pass (google.com: domain of arch-general-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=arch-general-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=REJECT dis=NONE) header.from=polarian.dev Authentication-Results: lists.archlinux.org; dkim=pass header.d=polarian.dev header.s=polarian header.b=de14FXAl; spf=pass (lists.archlinux.org: domain of polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=polarian@xxxxxxxxxxxx; dmarc=pass (policy=reject) header.from=polarian.dev