Hi, On Sun, 30 Oct 2022 11:42:24 +0000, Spencer Collyer wrote: > My initial idea was something like the following: > > 1) Install a basic Arch system on the new computer > 2) Get the list of installed packages from the old computer (I think > there is a way to do this using Pacman?) 3) Somehow get Pacman to > install the same list of packages on the new computer. For 2) and 3) see 2.5 and 2.6 here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Tips_and_tricks > 4) Tidy up any > config files that need changing - e.g. for the aforementioned IP > address / computer name stuff. To list modified config files, you can use: pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}' Besides the network config, hostname and UUIDs probably also change, so watch out for that e.g. in custom backup scripts etc. You may also want to check/migrate all unowned files (not tracked by the package manager): pacreport --unowned-files > 5) Copy over my /home directory If you have the time and care, instead of copying the entire /home, you could manually copy the contents and decide what you want to keep. You may want to omit ~/.cache and some configuration dotfiles in ~ or ~/.config that you don't need anymore. I would also keep the old drive around for some time in case you notice that you forgot something... Good luck! -- Merlin Büge