On 2016-02-13 17:35, João Miguel wrote: > The decision was to have systemd as a default, not to forbid any other > init system to be mentioned. I don't agree with the OP of this thread > when he said there should be an official version of Arch with OpenRC, > that's too much work. > > I mean this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/User:JMCF125/OpenRC > should be here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OpenRC. So that > this: http://systemd-free.org/ is not necessary, but instead just a nice > plus. > > Best regards, > João Miguel I agree with you on the point, that the possibility of choice should not be suppressed, but instead be welcome on the Wiki. However, I also see how having two ways of doing something rather unusual and officially unsupported may create notable confusion or at least makes the article hard to read. Hence I would suggest creating a totally new Wiki entry which explains solely artoo's way, named e.g. 'OpenRC (eudev)'. To prevent identical sections of both articles, your one should only address the differences, i.e. sections 1{,.3} (Installation and Booting) and 2.3 (Network) and some notes on further differences. Obviously, the two articles should point to each other as a respective alternative.