> I've got one user who always seems to have problemsWe have tried determining if there is a pattern to when the download fails. We haven't been able to find a pattern to it: she can often download large files, while smaller files fail. There might be a virus checking problem ... I will follow up on that idea.
> downloading files from my Apache server. She reports that the
> download process hangs, often with 1% of the file remaining
> to download.
> The server logs have this error:
> (104)Connection reset by peer: Could not get next bucket
> brigade [500, #0]
> I'm running Apache 2.0.51 on Fedora Core 2.
> Does anyone know how to address this bug ?
Imaginatively... If it's only one user and can't be reproduced with a
standard browser at your end, it looks like a client-side issue
(especially with "Connection reset by peer" - ie the client broke the
- is it size dependent, can she download smaller files?
- how is she connected to internet (eg, ADSL, dial-up?) do they have a
size limit?
- does the file contain anything that a virus-scanner on the client
might reject? (try replacing the file with plain ascii of same size or
ask her to switch off any virus-scannners).