On 8/3/06, Joshua Slive <joshua@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The point is, if you know you need those modules, those lines do
> absolutely nothing positive and may deceive you into thinking nothing
> is wrong if the modules are ever removed.
ok, got that
> That's all a tomcat issue that would be better addressed on a tomcat list.
I've just fixed it - now the filter is working :)
> This is actually the first I've ever heard of someone trying to
> override an Expires header.
Well, I don't want to OVERWRITE the header but to SET it to optimize caching. Actually, this is done with mod_expires, however, since we're
forced to serve our HTML via Tomcat *sic*, we have the problem that Tomcat always adds the fixed header "Expires Thu, 01.01.1970...." to any static content (like html, js, gifs etc.), and hence mod_expires from Apache HTTP won't do anything.
Now, with this filter I can set the header at least to the value that is needed to optimize caching on the client-side.
Anyways, thanks a lot for your help, I'll call it a day now...