Hello mike,
I would like to clarify one thing. Whatever the
apache related command I execute inside
/usr/local/apache2/bin, it all affecting the apache
inside /usr. The exact reason may be because I
installed apache inside /usr at first and only later
I installed in "usr/local...."
Hence if you want exact result of the sudo
/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -V, please
tell me how to explicitly specify the path as you
suggested me in the last command using -f option(sudo
/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl -k start -f
/usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf ).
So tell me if apache configures any environment
variables and it may not overwriting the path when I
install second time inside /usr/local....
The steps I used to install apache2
To install apr and apr-util I followed this link (
This is where I came to know about --prefix option and I
used "/usr" from this tutorial. But irrespective of using
/usr as --prefix, apr installed inside /usr/local.
Hence I used the same option for apache2 like this.
./configure --prefix=/usr
Unfortunately apache2 was installed in the exact location
inside /usr, by merging its files inside bin.
Later I read in apache documentation, if --prefix not
specified it will install inside /usr/local... so I thought it
would be easy if all apache files is available inside one
directory (apache2) which will be created by server. This time
I just ran ./configure. And you know the later part.
Two installations are conflicting with each other. Only the
first installation is valid and the second is not even
executing server start command.
So is there any way I can completely uninstall apache?
something similar to "make uninstall". "make uninstall" is not
working I don't know why.