Newark airport lags in on-time arrivals and departures in '08 =0ATuesday, F= ebruary 10, 2009 ASSOCIATED PRESS =0ANEWARK,= =0AN.J. (AP) =97 New Jersey's Newark Liberty International Airport improved= =0Aits on-time arrivals and departures last year, but still ranked last=0Aa= nd next-to-last in those categories among U.S. airports.=0AThe Federal Bure= au of Transportation Statistics released data Monday=0Alisting Newark 32nd = out of 32 major airports with 62 percent of=0Aarriving flights on time last= year.=0AThat's better than the 59 percent Newark posted in 2007, but it's = well below the national average of 76 percent for 2008.=0ANewark ranked nex= t-to-last with 69 percent on-time departures, compared to the national aver= age of 79 percent.=0ANew York's La Guardia and JFK airports also ranked in = the bottom=0Aquarter, though JFK improved its on-time departures from 69 pe= rcent in=0A2007 to more than 75 percent last year.=0ANEWARK,=0AN.J. (AP) = =97 New Jersey's Newark Liberty International Airport improved=0Aits on-tim= e arrivals and departures last year, but still ranked last=0Aand next-to-la= st in those categories among U.S. airports.=0A =0ARECORD FILE PHOTO =0AThe = good news: On-time arrivals and departures improved at Newark=0ALiberty Int= ernational Airport in 2008 according to data released this=0Aweek. The bad = news: The airport is still one of the worst in the=0Acountry. =0AThe=0AFede= ral Bureau of Transportation Statistics released data Monday=0Alisting Newa= rk 32nd out of 32 major airports with 62 percent of=0Aarriving flights on t= ime last year.=0AThat's better than the 59 percent Newark posted in 2007, b= ut it's well below the national average of 76 percent for 2008.=0ANewark ra= nked next-to-last with 69 percent on-time departures, compared to the natio= nal average of 79 percent.=0ANew=0AYork's La Guardia and JFK airports also = ranked in the bottom quarter,=0Athough JFK improved its on-time departures = from 69 percent in 2007 to=0Amore than 75 percent last year. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you wish to unsubscribe from the AIRLINE List, please send an E-mail to: "listserv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". Within the body of the text, only write the following:"SIGNOFF AIRLINE".