Hackers Crack FAA...Now I hope someone understands them?

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Article Views: 221

Hackers Crack FAABy Roy Mark=0A2009-02-10 =0A=0AArticle Views: 221=0AArticl=
e Rating: / 1  =0A=0A =0A=0A   Rate This Article: =0APoor      Best        =
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Simpy=0A=0A  Spurl!=0A=0A  PDF Version=0A   =0AThe personal information of=
=0Amore than 45,000 Federal Aviation Agency employees and retirees exposed=
=0Ato possible identity theft. FAA reports hacked server was not connected=
=0Ato air traffic control system or any other FAA operational system.=0AJus=
t a day after President Obama ordered a comprehensive review of the governm=
ent's cyber security systems,=0Athe FAA (Federal Aviation Agency) reported =
Feb. 10 hackers illegally=0Aaccessed an agency computer and stole employee =
personal identity=0Ainformation. The FAA said in a statement the hacked ser=
ver was not=0Aconnected to the operation of=0Athe air traffic control syste=
m or any other FAA operational system.=0A=0AAccording to the FAA, two of th=
e 48 files on the breached computer server contained=0Apersonal information=
 about more than 45,000 FAA employees and retirees=0Awho were on the FAA=A2=
s rolls as of the first week of February 2006. All affected employees will=
=0Areceive individual letters to notify them about the breach.=0A=0A"The FA=
A is moving quickly to prevent any similar incidents and has=0Aidentified i=
mmediate steps as well as longer-term measures to further=0Aprotect persona=
l information," stated the FAA. "The agency is also providing a toll-free=
=0Anumber and information on the employee website for those who believe=0At=
hey may be affected by the breach."=0A=0AThe FAA did not state when the bre=
ached occurred. The FAA was not immediately available for further comment.=
=0A=0AThe number of reported data breaches in the United States jumped near=
ly 50 percent in 2008, according to the ITRC (Identity Theft Resource Cente=
r). All totaled, there were 656 breaches reported last=0Ayear, up from 446 =
in 2007. The breaches led to nearly 35.7 million records being exposed. =0A=
=0AAccording to the IRTC, only=0A2.4 percent of all the data breaches had=
=0Athe information secured by encryption or other strong protection=0Ametho=
ds. Just 8.5 percent had the exposed data protected by passwords.=0A"Our se=
nse is that two things are happening - the criminal=0Apopulation is stealin=
g more data from companies and that we are hearing=0Amore about the breache=
s," the ITRC said in a statement. "ITRC has been=0Atracking breaches since =
2001. One thing we absolutely can say is that=0A[data breaches are] not a n=
ew problem."Heading Obama's 60-day cyber security review will be Melissa Ha=
thaway, who served as the cyber security coordinator executive under Mike M=
cConnell,former President Bush's Director of National Intelligence. The rev=
iew will cover all of the government's cyber security plans, programs and a=
ctivities.Resource Library: =0A  =0A"The national security and economic hea=
lth of the United States=0Adepend on the security, stability and integrity =
of our nation's=0Acyberspace, both in the public and private sectors," John=
 Brennan, assistant to the president for Counterterrorism and Homeland Secu=
rity, said in a White House statement. "The President is=0Aconfident that w=
e can protect our nation's critical cyber=0Ainfrastructure while at the sam=
e time adhering to the rule of law and=0Asafeguarding privacy rights and ci=
vil liberties." 


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