Thursday 1st June, 2006 United considers leaving Chicago = ------------------------------------------------------------------------= -------- Big News Wednesday 31st May, 2006 (UPI) = United Airlines is considering departing Chicago for good, especially if= San Francisco offers the airline some reasons to relocate its corporate= offices. Next week, United executives will meet with officials of the northern Ca= lifornia city about a corporate headquarters relocation, the Chicago Tri= bune reported Wednesday. United has hired real estate advisory firm Staubach Co. to evaluate loca= tions that would offer, among other things, about 150,000 square feet of= office space. Other options for United include Denver or staying in its= current location in Elk Grove Village, Ill., near Chicago's O'Hare Inte= rnational Airport. The airline, which has not made a profit in six years, emerged from bank= ruptcy in February. The best slide auction on the net: