From: "David MR" <damiross3@xxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 9:58 PM <snip> > Baha, <snip> .>.. if you > don't like the USA then get the hell out. > > Even with the hassles we face flying and the politically correct crapheads > we call representatives and senators, our country is more free than > Bahrain, > Singapore, and 98% of the rest of the world. And women in the USA get > more > freedoms than 100% of the Mid-East Countries (outside of Israel). > I hope we are still free enough that critical comment is not grounds for deportation. I think Baha left a "not" out of his signature or put one too many in: "BAHA "Not a fan of the citizens of "most powerful nation on earth" knowing a thing "or two about the earth herself. :)" Gerry