This is from another CFI about how "efficient" TSA is : Yeah, the TSA is doing a superb job (sarcasm). Their quick decision on the "preliminary approval" for me a few weeks back had me hoping things had gotten better. They haven't, not by a long shot. I submitted fingerprints last week, after paying $60. Couldn't do it the old fashioned cheap way with Law enforcement, as they refused to send them as "they don't do that". TSA was apparently unaware of this problem. I tracked the fingerprints on Fedex, and they were received and signed for them on Friday morning. Yesterday (Tuesday morning), I called and asked why I haven't received an E-mail confirming the fingerprint delivery that would officially start my 30 day wait period. They couldn't give me a good answer- and said I'd recieve one in a few days. It took the DOJ one week from receipt of the fingerprints to give me final approval. It's taking the TSA the same time just to aknowledge receipt!! Oh, and did I mention I got charged a $130 fee, where as the good 'ole DOJ charged nothing? If you are a foreigner, or deal with foreign students, get ready for a rough ride.