3-9-5. ANTICIPATING SEPARATION Takeoff clearance needs not be withheld until prescribed separation exists if there is a reasonable assurance it will exist when the aircraft starts takeoff roll. 3-9-6. SAME RUNWAY SEPARATION Separate a departing aircraft from a preceding departing or arriving aircraft using the same runway by ensuring that it does not begin takeoff roll until: a. The other aircraft has departed and crossed the runway end or turned to avert any conflict. If you can determine distances by reference to suitable landmarks, the other aircraft needs only be airborne if the following minimum distance exists between aircraft: (See FIG 3-9-1 and FIG 3-9-2.) 1. When only Category I aircraft are involved- 3,000 feet. 2. When a Category I aircraft is preceded by a Category II aircraft- 3,000 feet. 3. When either the succeeding or both are Category II aircraft- 4,500 feet. 4. When either is a Category III aircraft- 6,000 feet.