--=======430E17E8======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-63975D59; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi to all, another batch of news from Italy AIR MADAGASCAR with effect June 3rd. 2004 will add a new two times a week flight from Milan Mxp to Antananarivo with B767/300ER every thursday and saturday. AIR ONE an new operational base formed in Turin, where the carrier wants to become the nr.1. With effect April Turin is the thirda base after Milan and Rome with new increased operations starting from the new route Turin-Cagliari and in the summer (August 2004 only) the new route Turin-Olbia. Increased the flights to the six stops served from Turin both in South Italy while Rome Fiumicino, Naples, Bari, Lamezia Terme, Palermo and Catania. New jobs and recruitments allow to offer more 100 work (pilots, flight attendants, enigineers) positions to serve the 5 Boeing 737's based there. Target is to reach 1000000 passengere transpoorted in 2004 in a offered capacity of 1700000 with an increase of 57% then in 2003.. HAPAG LLOYD EXPRESS and VOLAREWEB has awarded a new partnership, Details will be showed in a press conference planned on Feb. 5th. 2004 in Venice. MERIDIANA in December 2003 has cored an on time result of 90,7% First place also for the missing baggages with a 3,8 per 1000. Continuing about the details of the new aircrafts expected in delivery. Airbus A319 -112 1086 EI- Meridiana CCM Airlines full cs ntu, had left CHR by 27dec, imminent delivery ex F-GYFN ntu Airbus A319 -112 1283 EI- Meridiana entered paintshop at XLW 02feb04 ex F-WQQF These planes will be fitted for 132 seats. That's all for today, Bets Regards, Marco --=======430E17E8======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-63975D59 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.576 / Virus Database: 365 - Release Date: 30/01/2004 --=======430E17E8=======--