--=======43B92841======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4D5F4A57; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi to all, further news from Italy, AIR FRANCE during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Rimini, Rotations are reduced from 6 to four daily. AUSTRIAN during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Parma. BRITISH AIRWAYS during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Verona. Route Bologna-Manchester is temporary suspended during the period. CSA during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Forli'. GEE BEE AIR, yesterday in Lampedusa the full crew of the flight from Lampedusa to Palermo has refused to operate the flight to protest with the non salary payments performed from the carrier. They have left the plane on the ground and rent a taxi to go to the beach although the passengers bored for the situation. Two hours late after a call with following agreement the crew have accepted to operate the flight with up to three hours of delay. LOT during the summer season 2004 will open a new five times a week flight from Warsaw to Venice, with a 70 seater EMB170. L'VIV AIRLINES at the present grant regular charter flight from L'vov to Rome Ciampino-Brescia every saturday. Extra flights are available on April 3rd. and 8th. 2004. LVOV 1000 ROME CIA 11.30 ROME CIA 12.15 BRESCIA 13.15 BRESCIA 14.50 LVOV 18.00 On sundays a weekly rotation from L'vov to Naples. LVOV 1200 NAPLES 13.30 NAPLES 15.15 LVOV 18.40 Extra flights are scheduled on April 4th and 9th. 2004.. LUFTHANSA during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Rimini. SAS during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. will cease temporary the flights. SN BRUSSELS during the Bologna airport closure from May 3rd. 2004 to July 2nd. both the flights are operated from Forli'. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======43B92841======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4D5F4A57 Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.576 / Virus Database: 365 - Release Date: 30/01/2004 --=======43B92841=======--