--=======219C502C======= Content-Type: text/plain; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-1FFB7EFF; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Hi to all, further news from Italy, EAST AFRICAN SAFARI AIR continues also in the low season period (May-June 2004) to operate a weekly flight from Milan Mxp to Nairobi and Rome FCO to Nairobi. With effect July 2004 a new weekly flights will be launched from Nairobi to Madrid. HAPAG LLOYD and VOLAREWEB today has presented the new commercial partnership, the new agreement plans with effect Feb. 13th. 2004 that all the flights are available in both web sites and saleable with double code. With effect April 22th a new couple of routes are opened from Bari to Cologne and Stuttgart. X3 3791 BRI-CGN 14.55 - 17.00 MAR, GIO, SAB X3 3790 CGN-BRI 12.15 - 14.20 X3 5791 BRI-STR 16.15 - 18.10 MER, VEN, DOM X3 5790 STR-BRI 13.50 - 15.45 VOLARE GROUP currently in the long range operations are in duty 2 A330/200 I-VLEE/F, a B767/300ER I-VIMQ, a LOT wet leased B767/300 SP-LPC, a B767/300ER wet leased from Yes. Plus in the week end a wet leased Euro Atlantic L1011/500's. That's all for today, Best Regards, Marco --=======219C502C======= Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-avg=cert; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-1FFB7EFF Content-Disposition: inline --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.577 / Virus Database: 366 - Release Date: 03/02/2004 --=======219C502C=======--