Hi Keith, Just to correct your correction regarding the designation applied to these airliners, it should be pointed out that "Embraer 170", "Embraer 175", "Embraer 190" - and variations thereof - are merely a marketing term. However, the original engineering designation applied to these airliners is EMB-170/EMB-190 and has remained unchanged. Indeed, the airframes that are currently flying in Brazil are EMB-170-100SL. It should be noted that he EMB-XXX designation system is employed for each and every Embraer-produced aircraft and is applicable to AOMs, FAMs, SBs and other aircraft maintenance and operations puiblications, as well as CTA, FAA and JAA type certificates. That system is quite different from that employed by Embraer for marketing purposes, the latter being subject to the vagaries of marketing requirements. Needless to say, this occasionally engenders some confusion regarding the designations that the Embraer applies to its products. Jackson Flores Rio de Janeiro