NYTimes.com Article: For Flight Attendants, Stress Comes With the Job

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For Flight Attendants, Stress Comes With the Job

August 12, 2003

First the passenger cursed Mary Sutphen for refusing to
serve him another whiskey on the flight from New York to
Amsterdam. Then he kicked her in the knee. Then he decided
to get her attention by urinating on her jump seat. On
arrival, he was met by the local authorities at the
aircraft door.

"I will never understand what happens to people when they
get on an airplane," said Ms. Sutphen, a recently laid-off
flight attendant who lives in Manhattan and is hoping to
get a call soon to return to work. "Some people check their
brains with their bags."

You think your business travels have become more stressful?
Put yourself in the shoes of flight attendants (and even
they sometimes have to take them off for the security
guards). The free time they are allotted in cities where
they stay overnight has become shorter. The list of
security measures they must take, from watching passengers'
behavior to checking for unusual bags, has become longer.
The travelers they serve have become surlier. And their
financial prospects have become bleaker.

It used to be that flight attendants' biggest complaints
were substandard meals, early wake-up calls and crowded
crash-pad apartments. Now, they also have to worry about
layoffs, wage and benefit cuts and other job concessions,
to say nothing of threats of terrorism and another epidemic
like SARS.

For many, job security is issue No. 1. About 22 percent of
all flight attendants in the United States have been laid
off since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, said Pat
Friend, international president of the Association of
Flight Attendants, a union representing about half the
attendants in the United States airline industry.

For those still working, even seemingly minor changes can
cause a succession of annoyances, says Rene Foss, a flight
attendant and author of "Around the World in a Bad Mood:
Confessions of a Flight Attendant" (Hyperion, 2002), which
details the vexations of the trade.

For example, charging for meals invariably prompts
grumbling by some passengers. That, in turn, forces Ms.
Foss to put on her fake "flight attendant's smile" and
thank them for their input, she said. Then, she has to make
change for $20 or $50 bills, no small matter in a hectic
schedule. "We're working with a minimum crew," Ms. Foss
said. "We're not an A.T.M. on wings."

Worst of all, the food can run out, forcing her into an
unwelcome arbitrator's role. "If there are 200 passengers
but only 25 meals, what am I supposed to do if 26 people
want to eat?" she asked. "Who gets that last meal, the
little old lady, the unaccompanied child or the grumpy
businessman? When people are hungry, they're mean."

It isn't just free food that passengers are being deprived
of these days; all sorts of once-standard perks are being
withheld. To deflect complaints, some flight attendants are
taking pre-emptive action.

"I try to pass it off as if we never had it," said Louis
Rudy, a flight attendant from Manhattan. "I divert their
attention with a little smile or `let me help you with
that.' Maybe they won't notice, and I won't have to explain
one more thing."

Seasoned business travelers are often the first to notice
when the plug is pulled on creature comforts, Mr. Rudy
says. "You see in their eyes and mannerisms that something
is off," he said. "They make comments like `so-and-so
airline still offers hot towels,' as if I have any control
over this. In my head, my response is always `well, hooray
for them.' "

He does understand their complaints, he says, and realizes
he is only a convenient target for their frustration over
the problems of flying. But that frustration has made many
travelers downright unfriendly, further damaging the flight
crew's morale.

"Often, we arrive with our beverage carts, obviously ready
to take their drink order, but the customer will wait until
we have asked once or twice before removing their
headphones and saying, `What?' " said Robert Ward, a flight
attendant in San Francisco. "They're civil under duress.
It's a feeling that `I am being nice because I have to be
nice, and I'm not going to be any nicer than I have to be.'

Alin Boswell, a US Airways flight attendant based in
Washington, has gotten the same cold shoulder. On a flight
in May, he said, "I got to row four before I heard a single
`please' or `thank you.' I had gone through 13 people."

Flight attendants are also acting out their anxieties.
Marshal Cohen, a business traveler and market research
analyst in Port Washington, N.Y., said he recently realized
he had boarded the wrong flight and rushed to the front of
the plane at full speed, yelling that the plane must not
leave. "The look on the flight attendant's face probably
thinking I was running towards him to hijack the plane was
something out of a comic book," he said. "He immediately
screamed and instinctively grabbed a flashlight as if it
would be a weapon or something to protect himself."

Like Mr. Cohen, some flight attendants are suddenly
figuring out that it is time to get off the plane - for

Mr. Rudy, the flight attendant from Manhattan, is thinking
about switching careers and is already working as a
restaurant manager on his nonflight days.

"Ask any flight attendant; when we all took this job, it
was for the lifestyle, the freedom," said Mr. Rudy, who
started in 1986. "But it's changed so much, with mergers
and layoffs and concessions and service reductions and
waiting for pay cuts. The thrill is gone. It's become," he
said, pausing for the right phrase, "such a job."

He added: "We have a whole different mindset when we go to
work now. We're having security briefings and reinforced
doors and air marshals and fewer flight attendants and
shorter layovers and longer hours. It's basically a big
cattle car."

Sharon B. Wingler, a flight attendant for 33 years who runs
a Web site, TravelAloneAndLoveIt.com, says that she, like
many of her colleagues, is contemplating a Plan B
profession. "I just flew with a co-worker who's got at
least 20 years with the company," she said. "Now she's
taking nursing classes."

Of course, the reason most flight attendants are looking
into other lines of work is probably less their declining
satisfaction with their job than its feared disappearance.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants, the
union representing those employees at American Airlines -
which has laid off more than 6,000 flight attendants since
the terrorist attacks in an effort to avoid filing for
bankruptcy protection - said it had had a tenfold increase
in the number of "anxious phone calls" from members in the
last six months. "They're desperate for guidance," said
George Price, a spokesman for the group.

However much conditions have deteriorated, many flight
attendants still love working at 30,000 feet - or, if they
have been laid off, yearn to do so again. Getting a call
from her former employer to come back to her old job would
be "like oxygen for me," said Ms. Sutphen, the out-of-work
flight attendant in New York. "It's kind of masochistic;
you just love the lifestyle."



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