On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 15:40:43 EDT, you wrote: >I wouldnt consider a direct or nonstop flight a 'frill' or an extra = service >that a carrier provides for the passengers. Frequent flyer = programs---ok -- >everyone has one. Some have more appeal than others but that depends = entirely >on your travel patterns and vacation plans. >The only extra service or frill that I can see is preassigned = seats...and >what is that worth? $5.00? or maybe $10.00 extra? > >The only people who seem to support the UA AA DL US etc gang are the = high >mileage freq flyers whose companys pay the bills and want the free = upgradge to F >class. (And I think youre seeing the begining of the end for First = Class on >the vast majority of US domestic flights) More and more all Y class and = RJ >acfts on 2-3 hour flights. >Dennis Bear in mind that an awful lot of services are available between towns the size of Smallville - because the "legacy" carriers have their hubs. The low-cost guys only concentrate on the high-volume routes. -- Visit Caribbean Aviation: http://www.caribbeanaviation.com/