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Hi to all,
a further updating on italian civil scene:

BRITISH MIDLAND todays has inaugurated a weekly charter service until Aug.
31st. from Bologna to Edinburgh with EMB145.

EU JET has based a F100 EI-DBR in Bergamo.

MERIDIANA, today "IL SOLE 24 ORE" the major financial newspaper here in
Italy reports that Alitalia is very close for an agreement to purchase the
80% of the stake in the hands of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan,
founder of the airline. In the past the italian flag airline has start a
talks to acquire a 20% of the shares, now Francesco Mengozzi CEO of
Alitalia is very close to purchase the majority of the stake in the italian
first oldest private airline. At this time is reported only a technical
agreement between the advisors. The final verification with the
shareholders lacks only, in particular with the Aga Khan, in order to
ratify the understanding that could make to enter the Sardinian company in
the orbit of the public airline. The operation comes pursued from Alitalia
in order to strengthen its quote on the domestic market, come down in
recent months to the 55 %. The company of the Aga Khan would carry in dowry
a market share of 16% and would approach therefore the public carrier the
quotes stopped on respects home markets to you from Air France and
Lufthansa. Naturally the understanding would have to be ratified from the
authority antitrust, than in the past months similar concentration has
expressed some doubt on the possibility to authorize one. Now but the
reflectors are tip to you on the final phase of negotiate. Francesco
Mengozzi, general executive manager of the public carrier that is in
a  delicate phase is crossing is in the labor relations for the
difficulties in the accounts, has continued the negotiations with Meridiana
also after the expiration of past May 31st. for negotiates in exclusive
right. And now is ready to dealing with the prince of the Ismailite ones,
owner of 80% in Meridiana, the price for the purchase of its quote. The
distance between vendor and buyer has been approached in the last weeks.
Now appraisal of the entire little inferior Company to 150 million euro is
discussed on one. Based on such parameter 80% of the Company that Alitalia
wants to acquire would cost an inferior sum to 120 million euro.To
equipment of this it negotiate is an understanding for an alliance trades
them and of tails sharing, through which the carrier of Olbia would
integrate the net of Alitalia in the domestic flights and also with its
international connections. With approximately 170 planes, Alitalia has
transported on past year 22,2 million passengers, of which beyond the half
in the internal flights. Meridiana it represents the third force to the
national market, with 3,3 million total passengers carried in 2002,
comprised the international routes, with 21 airplane. Its turnover in 2002
is around to 370 million euro and the result is in light assets, with a
clearly inferior profit to the million euro. The course of this company,
that it has always followed in working contracts and the strategies the
movements of the Alitalia, without never to make them a true competition,
has been thrown again from Giovanni Sebastiani, former the managing one of
Alitalia that had launch the Air One and that, from two years, him is the
guide of the airline of Olbia. The former Alisarda crosses a good moment,
also for the positive situation financial situation, in how much does not
have debits with banks. However, between its engagements there is that one
of I renew of the fleet. In the slid months the Alitalia had dealt to along
with Volare Group, in order to define an alliance in the domestic market.
The negotiation, strongly fighted from the trade unions of the pilots
(Anpac) because the low cost of the job in Volare, finally is been
shipwrecked because - second the Alitalia - the Volare's main shareholder ,
Gino Zoccai, had asked  a sum excessive (60 million euro) in order yielding
of a quote of  20% of the public Company. If there will be the agreement
between Mengozzi and the Aga Khan on all the operation, the general
executive manager of the Alitalia could report on the new alliance and
acquisition to the board of directors summoned Alitalia for the July 15th..

SWISS AIR LINES will drop with effect October 26th. 2003 will drop the
routes from Zurich to Bologna/Florence/Venice and Milan-Basel to cover the
losses registered in the past year and in the first third of this year.
Perhaps, agreement with further partner airline could enable to resume the

WINDJET A320's now in service are I-LINB and I-LINP.

That's all for today,

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