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Hi to all,
a further updating on italian civil scene:

ALITALIA has confirmed the decison to sold Eurofly before the end of this
year to Banca Profilo (80% of the stake) and 13 MD82's for low cost operations.

BLUE AIRLINES has suspended with effect July 11th. 2003 the route
Siena-Milan Lin due to the ENAC - Italia Civil Aviation Authority
limitations to the operation of the field due to various non conformances
discovered in the flight aids of the field in respect of the european rules.
Will transfer from July 31st. 2003 the operations from Milan to Bergamo
regarding the flights to Elba Island.

GANDALF AIRLINES, after the negative talks with AdF - Aeroporti di Firenze
SpA in terms of handling contract for a two daily rotations on
Bari-Florence has switched the operations to Genoa and Pisa with a single
daily flight from these two airports. Pisa is served in the morning and
Genoa in the afternoon.

MERIDIANA, updating the news previously posted, His Highness Prince Karim
Aga Khan has placed a "sine qua non"
condition concerning the possible purchase (yesterday) evalued from
Alitalia from
the board) of the stake in his hands from the italian flag carrier
concerning the mantaining of the home base of Meridiana in Olbia after the
deal with Alitalia. After the board of Alitalia has informed regarding a
new deadline (Sept. 30th. 2003) for the exclusive talks for the possible
mergership of Meridiana in Alitalia Group. Various are the oprtions, from
the entire purchase of the stake in the hands of the founder or the
exchange of the 80% of Meridiana with 9% in Alitalia.

NEOS today has presented the third (not fourth) at Verona and has explained
the traffic results of the past year with 215000 passengers carried, a turn
over of 26 million of Euro and 4500 hrs operated. 2003 have the target to
reach 400000 passengers carried, 10000 hrs and 56 million Euro about turn over.

RYANAIR will intend to open after positive talsk with Aer Riantam, various
new routes from Dublin to Europe. Its planned to start also direct flights
to Italy with effect autumn 2003.

WIND JET has today received its third A320/200.  At he same time ENAC,
Italian Civil Aviation Authority will start an investigations regarding the
latest week operations of this airline charatized from delays, flights
cancelled and troubles for the travellers.

That's all for today,
Marco Finelli

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