Yeah here's the story from,5478,6614617%255E401,00.html Plane overshoots runway >From correspondents in Groningen, Netherlands 17jun03 A TURKISH-owned passenger jetliner sped beyond the runway and stopped on grass in an aborted takeoff at a northern Dutch airport today, authorities said. Three people were injured. The Onur Air McDonnell Douglas MD-88 plane was scheduled to fly from Eelde, about 160km northeast of Amsterdam, to the southern city of Maastricht, but never became airborne. Instead, it got stuck about 50 metres past the runway, an airport statement said. The plane's crew of six and 142 passengers, including one baby, left the plane via the emergency exits. Two of the passengers were taken to local hospitals, one with a broken shin and one who suffered from a heart condition, a spokesman for Groningen's emergency services department said. One crew member was also in hospital with unspecified injuries. "There's nothing that can be definitively said about how and why it happened," spokesman Cyreal Hamstra said. "An extensive investigation is under way." --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!