Took Southwest from Tucson to LasVegas v.v. Sunday to Tuesday. Arr Tucson Airport shuttle parking lot about 5am and inline at tkt counter by 515am (Parking $4.00 per day - eat your heart out you big city boys) Number 12 /Group A seating. Flight was vintage 737 departed EXACTLY on time 06:30 and at the gate in LasVegas EXACTLY on time 0740. Same deal on return, Acft inbound from SanDiego arr at gate in Vegas at 1505 and reloaded for Tucson departure and off the gate at 1530 EXACTLY on time. with arr at the gate Tucson 1640 again excatly on the button. Both times I noticed that the front cabin door was opened for deplaneing within one min of the engines being shut down--fastest I think I've ever seen. Two bags peanuts, one glass juice and funny inflight announcements by the driver. Both flights had maybe 6-8 empty seats---unusual for Southwest flights. Guys--this airline is DULL, everything is always just as expected. No one yelling at the passengers like Delta. Is this any way to run an airline? Dennis