The point is, Nick, that there is a deadline. If a government agency gives a citizen a deadline, he must meet it or else. > >Let's see. I have a mandate by the IRS to complete my taxes by 15 April > >or else I get penalized. The TSA has a mandate by Congress (their boss!) > >to complete action by 26 May and they get no penalty. > > Millions of people fill out tax forms every year. It's a well known > process. It's utterly predictable that anyone can do so in a timely manner, > and there are exceptions for good causes. > > On the other hand, many Congressional mandates are for things that have > never been done before, so there is often reason to doubt whether success > is possible. Why punish someone for failing what might have been an > impossible challenge? > > >These idiots at the TSA > > >Jonathan Ornstein is a complete moran. > > "Idiots"? "Complete moron"? Ladies, Gentlemen, and Republicans, I give you > evidence of a closed mind. Sorry to disappoint appointment you - I'm neither a democrat or a republican. I'm someone who, unlike the vast majority of governement and business leaders, looks at things with commonsense. David R > Nick