Near-crash uncovers crack in air safety system

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Near-crash uncovers crack in air safety system
By Alan Levin, USA TODAY

For almost five years, one of the world's largest jetmakers knew that the=20
27-foot-tall tail fin on one of its jets had almost snapped off in flight.=
Officials with manufacturer Airbus understood that losing a tail fin would=
prove catastrophic. Even so, they kept their concerns to themselves until=20
after a tail fin did break off one of its jets, causing the second-worst=20
aviation disaster in U.S. history. Not until after American Airlines Flight=
587 crashed in 2001 =97 a catastrophe investigators say was caused when the=
tail fin broke off the A300 jet =97 did Airbus disclose its findings from an=
incident in 1997 to government safety officials, a USA TODAY investigation=
has found. Had federal regulators known earlier how easily tail fins could=
break in flight, the crash of Flight 587 =97 and the deaths of 265 people =
might have been prevented, according to some accident investigators and=20
aviation safety experts. The jet crashed Nov. 12, 2001, just after takeoff=
from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport. The nation's=20
aviation safety system is designed to prevent crashes by learning lessons=20
from close calls. In this case, the system broke down. "When I heard (about=
what Airbus knew), it made me sick," says Bernard Loeb, who headed the=20
National Transportation Safety Board's (NTSB) aviation division until=20
January 2001. "People are kicking themselves."

The system is dependent on airlines and jetmakers sharing their knowledge=20
and experience with federal regulators. The NTSB, an agency with limited=20
resources, cannot function without this help, current and former=20
investigators agree. But those are the very entities the NTSB investigates.=
Airbus officials say they did nothing wrong. They say that the crash of=20
Flight 587 was due to mistakes by the pilots and that there is nothing they=
could have done to prevent it. Attempts to find fault with the company are=
"projected wisdom in hindsight," spokesman Clay McConnell says. USA TODAY=20
reviewed hundreds of pages of NTSB documents and interviewed more than a=20
dozen government officials and knowledgeable sources. The review found that=
on May 12, 1997, American Airlines pilots on Flight 903 from Boston to=20
Miami lost control of the jet. In response, they made a series of radical=20
maneuvers that placed extreme stress on the tail fin, nearly snapping it=20
off. Eventually, they landed safely. Within days, federal investigators=20
knew that the jet had nearly crashed, but they did not realize how close it=
came to breaking apart in midair. Then last year, a closer examination of=20
the tail revealed that it had cracked during the incident. If federal=20
regulators had known this information, they say, they could have warned=20
pilots to avoid the nearly identical maneuvers that caused the crash two=20
years ago.

It's impossible to know for certain whether a more thorough investigation=20
in 1997 could have prevented the 2001 crash, several senior investigators=20
say. Those officials still do not know why the co-pilot aboard Flight 587,=
leaving New York for the Dominican Republic, suddenly began his maneuvers.=
A final report on the accident is expected early next year. Even so, said=20
NTSB board member Carol Carmody, "It's enormously frustrating that we=20
didn't have this information." Carmody was acting chairwoman of the agency=
when Airbus revealed its findings last fall. "I feel that we missed an=20
opportunity," she said in an interview. The stakes are also enormous in=20
lawsuits stemming from the 2001 crash. Airbus and American Airlines are=20
battling over who should pay damages for the crash.

The close call

Flight 903 from Boston had been routine, if a little bumpy. The pilots,=20
waiting for storms over Miami to clear, reminded passengers to buckle their=
seatbelts. Controllers ordered them to hold at 16,000 feet near West Palm=20
Beach. At 3:29:14 p.m. May 12, 1997, as the jet began a turn, it suddenly=20
banked hard to the right, back to the left, then to the right again.
"It was horrifying," Michelle Singh, 36, who was seated in row 16, recalled=
in an interview. "There were no words to explain. People crying. People=20
hurt. People scared. I was ready to die." Passengers clung to each other as=
the gyrations tossed them from side to side. Anything not strapped down =97=
shoes, briefcases and passengers themselves =97 flew about the cabin,=20
according to NTSB records. After 12 seconds, the jet began to plunge. It=20
fell 3,000 feet in 18 seconds. Melanie Joison's baby flew out of her arms.=
Joison unbuckled her belt to grab her baby and crashed face-first into the=
ceiling. The blow knocked her unconscious and broke four of her ribs. Other=
passengers safely caught the baby. "The terror and the screams were more=20
than I have ever experienced," Scott Stow, an American pilot sitting in the=
passenger section, told investigators then.

Capt. Mark Eberle and co-pilot Donald Rescigno told investigators it seemed=
that a mysterious force =97 perhaps a powerful downdraft =97 had blown the=
out of control. Initially, the jet banked 56 degrees to the right =97 twice=
as steep as a passenger jet ever gets in a normal flight. The co-pilot=20
tried to level the jet with the control wheel, which activates panels on=20
the wings. It had no effect. Rescigno tried the rudder, a large vertical=20
panel at the rear of the tail fin. His left foot stomped on one of two=20
pedals that move the panel. The rudder swung left. A jet's rudder has=20
tremendous power. It keeps the jet flying straight if one of the two=20
engines fails. The control wheel, which looks similar to a car's steering=20
wheel, is the preferred way to level a jet's wings, but the rudder=20
accomplishes the same thing in a clumsy, overpowering way. Rescigno held=20
the rudder pedal down for four seconds. By then, the jet was rolling back=20
to the left so quickly he could not control it. The left wing dropped=20
sharply. Rescigno responded by slamming on the right rudder pedal, which=20
began the cycle again. The jet banked back to the right even more steeply,=
to 65 degrees.

Overall, the jet banked left or right nine times within 40 seconds. In the=
most severe bank, the jet tilted at 83 degrees =97 its right wing pointed=20
nearly at the ground. Eventually, the pilots increased the speed of the jet=
enough to regain control. Thirty minutes later, the jet landed in Miami,=20
the cabin a mess of upended food carts, luggage and trembling passengers.=20
The pilots' rudder movements were nearly identical to those on Flight 587.=
The co-pilot on the later flight whipped the jet's rudder left or right=20
five times. On its last swing, the tail fin snapped off the fuselage.

Pilots caused 'stall'

Soon after Flight 903, NTSB investigators discovered that the incident had=
little to do with a gust of wind. The pilots had made a series of errors=20
that caused the wild ride. The pilots allowed the jet to slow too much as=20
it entered the holding pattern, the jet's data recorder showed. The pilots=
apparently put the engines in idle as they descended and neglected to add=20
power after leveling off at 16,000 feet. As a result, the jet essentially=20
stopped flying, a condition known as a "stall." When the pilots began the=20
initial bank to the right, the stall caused the right wing to drop more=20
than the pilots intended.
The discovery that pilots could forget to maintain enough speed disturbed=20
the NTSB. The agency focused on that failing as the central problem.

A yearlong probe began.

Federal investigators had no idea that within a month of the incident,=20
Airbus engineers in Europe found an additional problem: The jet's gyrations=
had put massive strain on the tail fin. In an internal memo on June 12,=20
1997, an unidentified Airbus official wrote that his department "urgently"=
recommended additional inspections of the jet because the forces on it had=
apparently exceeded the "design limit." That meant that the wind and=20
jostling on the tail fin had exceeded the greatest forces it had been=20
expected to experience in its lifetime. Then, on June 19, a more complete=20
analysis showed that the forces not only had gone above the design limit,=20
they also apparently had reached the "ultimate limit." When engineers build=
a jet, they compute the greatest forces likely to hit surfaces, such as=20
wings and the tail. These are known as design limits. For a safety margin,=
international aviation regulations mandate that they make those surfaces=20
50% stronger. These are the ultimate limits, above which a tail fin or=20
other surface is expected to fail.

It's extremely rare for commercial aircraft to reach a design limit in=20
flight. It's almost unheard of for one to reach an ultimate limit. That=20
would mean it had come dangerously close to breaking apart. Such a finding=
would get immediate attention from federal investigators =97 if they learn=
about it. Had Airbus pressed the matter in 1997, its findings would have=20
been worse. Flight 903's tail fin reached or exceeded its ultimate limit=20
three times during the incident, Airbus itself calculated last year. A=20
Federal Aviation Administration official testified at an NTSB hearing in=20
October that a conservative estimate found the stress on the tail fin went=
well above the ultimate limit =97 to within 1% of the force required to=
it off. In June 1997, Airbus requested that American Airlines perform=20
another inspection of the jet to ensure it was not damaged. American=20
inspectors, following Airbus' instructions, examined the tail fin. But they=
did not use methods that would have allowed them to see inside the tail=20
fin. They saw no damage from their visual inspection, and the jet continued=
to fly for nearly five years. Only last March, as part of the Flight 587=20
investigation, did Airbus conduct an ultrasound inspection of the tail fin=
on the jet involved in the 1997 incident. The inspection found two=20
crescent-shaped cracks at one of the points where the tail fin attaches to=
the fuselage. The fin was replaced. Airbus says the tail fin was still=20
strong enough to meet regulatory requirements.

Airbus engineers weren't the only ones who expressed worries about the=20
incident. A high-ranking American Airlines pilot wrote a memo to a senior=20
official in May 1997 warning that the pilots' use of rudder had nearly=20
caused major structural damage to the jet. Paul Railsback, flight=20
operations managing director, urged immediate changes in American's pilot=20
training, says the memo obtained by USA TODAY. Again, the NTSB has no=20
record that Railsback's concerns were brought to its attention. American=20
says it altered its training to reflect his comments.

Airbus' response

Airbus officials deny withholding data or hindering the probe of Flight=20
903. "I am convinced that my company made a good faith effort to raise=20
these concerns," says McConnell, Airbus' spokesman. Officials also say they=
did not realize that the tail fin on the jet had nearly broken loose. In=20
part, that's because Airbus built the tail fin 25% stronger than=20
regulations required. By insisting on an additional inspection of the tail,=
Airbus felt confident that it had not been damaged, McConnell says.=20
Furthermore, he says, the 1997 assessments were imprecise and Airbus did=20
not calculate the actual stress on the tail until last year. The NTSB and=20
American had access to the same data and failed to raise concerns, he says.=
At the NTSB hearing in October on Flight 587, an American Airlines official=
was permitted to put questions to Airbus officials. With the two firms=20
feuding over who is at fault in the 2001 crash, the questioning quickly=20
grew tense. Airbus' Michel Curbillon said the company had shared its=20
concerns about Flight 903 with federal investigators and others. "This has=
been known within the company and was also informed to everybody,"=20
Curbillon said. His questioner, American's Tim Ahern, who had worked on the=
Flight 903 investigation, disputed him. "Frankly, as a party to that event,=
sir, this information was just (released) this year," Ahern said.

Curbillon pointed to a report submitted to the NTSB in August 1998, on the=
Flight 903 investigation. Airbus' flight safety director, Yves Benoist,=20
wrote that pilots needed to be trained better on how to use the rudder.=20
"Using too much rudder in a recovery attempt can lead to structural loads=20
that exceed the design strength of the fin," the report said. Airbus=20
officials say they underscored their concerns in 1997 by raising repeatedly=
the broader issue of pilot training on rudder use. For example, an August=20
1997 letter sent to American and written by Airbus, Boeing and the FAA=20
warned that pilots could damage a jet with too much rudder. But the NTSB=20
has no record that Airbus disclosed what it had learned about the stress=20
put on Flight 903's tail fin. The submission to the NTSB contained only a=20
general warning about rudder use. The letter to American did not mention=20
Flight 903 and was not sent to the NTSB until last year. NTSB and American=
officials say the Airbus warnings were so vague that they did not attract=20
attention in the Flight 903 probe.

When Loeb, who has retired from the NTSB, learned in October that Airbus=20
knew in 1997 about the high stress on Flight 903, he was dumbstruck. He had=
overseen the earlier investigation and never heard a word about the high=20
stress on the tail fin, he says. Even if the calculations were preliminary,=
Airbus had a duty to share them, he says. "That's a significant,=20
significant issue," Loeb says. The jet involved in the incident should have=
been grounded until regulators were certain it was not damaged by the=20
extreme forces, he says.  Officials who were part of the probe in 1997 say=
if they had known of Airbus' findings and the damage to the fin, it would=20
have changed the focus of the investigation. Rather than focusing on the=20
pilots' actions, the NTSB would have looked more closely at the rudder=20
itself, they say. "I think the answer is most assuredly we would have done=
something more on 903 if we had known this, if we had heard this from=20
Airbus," the NTSB's Carmody says.

What about safety board?

Among the small circle of senior accident investigators, there is also=20
debate about whether the NTSB itself should have seen the clues back in=20
1997 that rudder use could damage a tail fin. According to former NTSB=20
chairman James Burnett, the answer is yes. The agency's job is to turn the=
jumble of aviation incidents into nuggets of common sense that prevent=20
accidents. By definition, it should have unraveled the puzzle and acted,=20
Burnett says. But, with only 60 aviation accident investigators and=20
engineers to work cases involving airlines, it does not surprise him that=20
the NTSB occasionally misses things. This is especially true during busy=20
periods such as 1997, when the board was occupied with two crashes that had=
occurred the prior year: TWA Flight 800 and the ValuJet crash in the=20
Florida Everglades. "But it should be an occasion for taking stock,"=20
Burnett says. Such concerns are not new. A Rand Corp. report in 1999 warned=
that the agency was too dependent on the airlines and aircraft=20
manufacturers it investigates. The report urged greater use of independent=
experts to supplement NTSB investigations.

Loeb says he wishes now that, in the midst of perhaps the busiest period in=
the agency's history, he had spent more time on Flight 903. "People are=20
saying, 'We should have done more.' But the fact is, these are people who=20
are working 60 hours, 70 hours a week and getting paid for 45 or 50. Yeah,=
they are going to miss things and feel bad about it," he says. "On the=20
other hand," Loeb adds, "if Airbus did the calculations and didn't bother=20
to tell us, shame on them."

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