Doesn't anyone think its ironic that a pension company that bought USAir is terminating the pilots pension fund for a cheaper one. Maybe theirs? =20 =20 US to let US Airways terminate pilots pension plan=20 =09 =09 Friday March 28, 12:30 PM EST=20 (Updates with background, share price) WASHINGTON, March 28 (Reuters) - Bankrupt US Airways Group Inc (UAWGQ < WGQ > ) cleared its last big hurdle in restructuring on Friday when the government said it had approved the carrier's proposal to terminate its pilots' pension plan and replace it with a cheaper one. The action by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., a federal corporation, clears the way for the No. 7 U.S. airline to receive final bankruptcy court approval of its reorganization and emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings on Monday. Judge Stephen Mitchell of the Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia was expected to address the pension issue and other matters at a final hearing later in the day. =20 < 91 25226662/site=3Dexcite.reuters/> =09 US Airways sought to terminate the pilots' pension fund this month, saying it could no longer afford to manage its underfunded liability of nearly $1.6 billion. Mitchell allowed US Airways to seek government approval of its proposal but ordered the carrier to resolve objections by the Air Line Pilots Association. The company and the pilots union agreed on a follow-up plan last week. The airline had characterized the pension controversy with its 4,700 active and retired pilots as the last major obstacle to its bankruptcy restructuring, which began last August. US Airways will now terminate the current fund and a fraction of its assets will be invested in a new plan that will also receive annual contributions from the company for the next several years. US Airways shares were off a penny on Friday to 9 cents a share.=20 =A92003 Reuters Limited.=20