NYTimes.com Article: A Revolutionary Program Troubled From the Start

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A Revolutionary Program Troubled From the Start

February 2, 2003

America's 44-year adventure into space has been a chronicle
of triumph and tragedy, of early manned flights that
circled the earth and landed on the moon, of explosions
that killed astronauts, of cost overruns and corruption,
and of robot satellites that explored the Solar System and
sent home amazing pictures and data from other worlds.

The chapters have been called Mercury, Gemini, Pioneer,
Mariner, Apollo and the less glamorous space shuttle, and
the issues have been complex, combining national
aspirations, cold-war politics, the endless human quest for
scientific knowledge and the hard practical questions of
cost and feasibility.

After the Soviet Union leaped first into space with the
orbiting of Sputnik I in 1957, American fears of losing the
space race led to the creation of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration in 1958. Through the 1960's, it
focused on putting Americans on the moon, although it also
launched weather and communication satellites and achieved
many other goals.

The $25 billion space shuttle was envisioned in the 1970's
as the successor to the successful moon-landing program.
Less expensive and ambitious than a manned mission to Mars,
the reusable shuttle was to revolutionize exotic space
flight by turning it into an inexpensive, once-a-week
event, paying its own way by deploying and repairing
satellites and selling other space services.

But almost from the start, the shuttle was plagued by
design failures, cost overruns, delays, fraud and
mismanagement within NASA and its contractors. Many
problems were hidden until the 1986 explosion of the
Challenger, which killed seven astronauts. More recently,
an aging work force and management shortcomings have
continued at NASA, experts say, and these and other
problems are expected to be explored in the inquiries into
yesterday's Columbia tragedy.

In the early years, NASA exploits, including Alan B.
Shepard Jr.'s suborbital spaceflight in 1961 and John
Glenn's three-orbit flight in 1962 - seemed to be the stuff
of science fiction, with splashdowns broadcast to millions
on television and heroes stepping from capsules.

Begun in 1958 and completed in 1963, the Mercury program
was the nation's first man-in-space project, although its
six flights accomplished much more, sending up the first
weather and communications satellites, devising ways to
launch and recover spacecraft and investigating human
ability to work in space.

>From 1964 to 1966, Gemini put astronauts into orbit for up
to two weeks, with some of them stepping outside their
capsules for spacewalks. A Ranger 7 rocket sent back
close-up images of the moon before crashing on the lunar
surface in 1964. A year later Mariner 4 flew within 6,118
miles of Mars, providing the first close-up images, and in
1966 Surveyor 1 made America's first soft landing on the
moon and transmitted 10,000 photos of the lunar surface.

There were setbacks, even tragedies, as NASA worked under
pressure of tight budgets and technical difficulties to
carry out President John F. Kennedy's 1961 call for the
nation to put a man on the moon before the end of the

On Jan. 27, 1967, the astronauts Virgil I. Grissom, Edward
H. White II and Roger B. Chaffee were killed on the
launchpad at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral
when a flash fire engulfed their capsule during a
simulation aboard an Apollo-Saturn rocket. They were the
first deaths directly attributable to the space program.

But the 1960's were its glory years. In December 1968,
Apollo 8, with the astronauts Frank Borman, James A. Lovell
Jr. and William A. Anders on board, circled the moon and,
focusing a television camera on earth, sent to worldwide
television audiences the first view of the "blue marble."

The halcyon period reached a climax in 1969 with the Apollo
11 moon landing. On July 20 Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E.
Aldrin Jr. touched down in a lander while Michael Collins
orbited in a command module. Setting foot on the surface,
Armstrong told millions of viewers it was "one small step
for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Before returning to earth, the astronauts spent 21 hours on
the moon, taking rocks and soil, setting up experiments and
planting an American flag.

The Apollo 13 mission, in 1970, was a near disaster. An
oxygen tank ruptured as the craft neared the moon, damaging
power, electrical and life-support systems. The lunar
landing was scrapped. After circling the moon, the
astronauts used the lunar landing module as a lifeboat to
return to earth. With limited air and water, they endured
an ordeal but landed safely.

There were other moon landings, including Apollo 15 in
1971, the first of three longer, expedition-style missions
using a lunar rover. In 1972, Apollo 17 was the last of six
moon missions; the astronauts spent 22 hours in moon walks
and camped out for three days. In all, 12 men walked on the
moon before the Apollo program ended.

Meanwhile other projects went ahead. In 1971, Mariner 9
became the first Mars orbiter, and over the next two years
Pioneer 11 went to Jupiter and sent back dramatic cloud-top
and polar pictures. Viking 1 landed on Mars in 1976 and
transmitted data for six years.

By the early 1970's, however, the nation's space program
was entering a new and more troubled phase. While a manned
mission to Mars was a possibility, it it was seen by
political leaders and the public as far too expensive, at
least for the forseeable future. The development of a
reuseable space shuttle emerged as an economical and
practical interim step.

The Nixon administration embraced it initially to promote
scientific and military goals and to help shore up the
ailing aerospace industry. It was sold to Congress on the
assumption that it would pay for itself through business it
would generate: shuttling up to deploy and repair many
private commercial satellites, and other tasks.

>From the start, however, the program set unrealistic goals,
as many as 60 flights a year, and was plagued with cost
overruns, delays and other problems. By 1981, when Columbia
became the first shuttle, each launch was costing $250
million, 16 times the original estimates. But many of the
worst problems were hidden until the shuttle Challenger
exploded on Jan. 28, 1986.

Investigations later showed that faulty welds in a booster
rocket - faults that had been concealed through falsified
X-rays by a subcontractor to avoid the cost of repairs -
had gone undetected and uncorrected until NASA auditors
were tipped off by former employees of the subcontractor.

Investigators also learned that NASA had drastically cut
spending on safety testing, design and development, even
skipping thermal and vibration tests on the shuttle and its
engines. Instead of testing component parts, contractors
only tested assembled systems, investigators said. And they
said NASA had misled Congress on costs and schedules,
withheld documents, violated federal codes and squandered

After the Challenger disaster, the shuttle was grounded
until 1988. Since then, NASA has sought to make safety
paramount, but critics have said this has fostered a
conservatism that has led to further delays and cost


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