New Cleveland runway likely to cut delays, costs Cleveland Hopkins International Airport's first major expansion of its=20 airfield since 1948 opened last week at slightly under its $129 million=20 budget. By Saturday, the airport's new 1.3-mile runway was in full use,=20 adding the capability for about 10 more takeoffs and landings per hour.=20 It's the only major runway scheduled to be opened in the United States this= =20 year. Within two years, a new radar system and a 2,000-foot addition to the= =20 new runway will allow the airport to accommodate up to 120 takeoffs and=20 landings per hour =97 50% more than it can handle today. Many industry=20 officials have repeatedly called for new runways, saying that increased=20 capacity will be the only way to reduce delays once the demand for air=20 travel returns to pre-9/11 levels. For Cleveland, a hub for Continental=20 Airlines, the new runway means planes will spend less time waiting to take= =20 off and incoming flights will spend less time circling over Lake Erie=20 before getting to get permission to land. Both delays cost airlines money.= =20 The Cleveland Plain Dealer | USA TODAY/AP The owner of Roger's Trinbago Site: Roj (Roger James) *************************************************** escape email Trinbago site: CBC Website The Trinbago Site of the Week: (TnT News) (TnT News) courtesy of Roj Trinbago Website & TnT Web Directory Roj's Trinbago Website: TnT Web Directory: *********************************************************