Delta, American try last-minute fare experiment

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Delta, American try last-minute fare experiment
By Marilyn Adams and Dan Reed, USA TODAY

Frequent flier Eric Peterson is thrilled that airlines like Delta and=20
American are finally cutting some of their steep, last-minute fares to woo=
back customers like him. He just hopes they use an ax, not a chisel. Last=20
month, Peterson, an Atlanta-based software architect, had to book a=20
last-minute trip to see a client in Albany, N.Y., and Delta's round-trip=20
fare was $1,200. The boss said no. So Peterson found a $400 flight to=20
Newark, N.J., where he rented a car and drove three hours to Albany.=20
Although Delta is testing a new 20% discount on some of its most expensive=
tickets in many markets, "A 20% decrease is hardly perceptible on a fare=20
that's outrageous to begin with," says Peterson, whose software company is=
clamping down on travel costs because sales are flat. Besides, Delta hasn't=
brought its new test fares to hub airports like Atlanta. Still, its=20
experiment, and one by American Airlines, may be the start of the next big=
thing in business fares. After decades of employing byzantine fare=20
structures that charged their best customers =97 business fliers =97=20
heart-stopping prices, traditional airlines may be on the brink of rolling=
out changes. The goal: attract business fliers back to higher-fare tickets=
that can be booked close to the trip date with fewer restrictions than=20
leisure-fare tickets carry.
American said last month that it's testing a simplified, four-fare=20
structure in two dozen major markets, including 12 routes into and out of=20
Dallas/Fort Worth, its home base. The four classes include walk-up, the=20
most expensive coach fare; 14-day advance purchase; 30-day advance; and=20
first class.

Walk-up, which used to mean a fare available the day of flight or a couple=
days before, now extends to 13 days before a flight under American's new=20
definition. American has knocked 40% off old walk-up fares on test routes=20
and made them refundable. At the same time, the cheapest fares in the=20
American test markets, those bought 30 days in advance, appear to be 10% to=
15% above recent fare-sale levels. The gap between high and low fares has=20
narrowed. "We believe this new structure provides the value, simplicity,=20
price and flexibility that today's travelers are demanding," says American=
spokesman Tim Kincaid. "This is definitely a very big deal," says fare=20
analyst Bob Harrell of Harrell Associates in New York. "You don't have to=20
be a travel manager to notice when American cuts its walk-up fares by 40%."=
American is testing its new fares on routes where it's the dominant=20
carrier, minimizing the likelihood of a fare war.
Delta, meanwhile, is conducting a broader test, offering lower business=20
fares in hundreds of less-busy routes across its system =97 such as Boise to=
Portland, Ore.; and Richmond, Va., to San Diego.

The routes don't touch any airline's hub airports, a move designed to avoid=
competitive backlash. Delta's test has nine levels, which include=20
seven-day, 10-day and 14-day advance-purchase fares. None is refundable.=20
Unrestricted walk-up fares in the markets aren't part of the discount test.=
But new fares aimed at business travelers are about 20% lower than Delta's=
unrestricted fares, says a report by J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker. And=20
they appear to have fewer  restrictions, like a Saturday night stay, than=20
leisure fares usually do. After the new fares were introduced, Delta saw a=
double-digit increase in revenue on those routes, Baker's report says. Last=
week, Delta added 1,500 markets to its initial test group, bringing test=20
fares to 2,000 markets total, about 2.5% of its system. Citing federal=20
antitrust restrictions, neither airline will discuss its test results or=20
next steps. But analysts and travel managers welcome the hints of reform.
"Simplicity and value have been lacking" in airline pricing, Baker says.=20
"I'm more impressed with what American's doing right now because it's=20
simpler and reduces the top end (of fares) by a significant degree." He=20
expects American or Delta to roll out a simplified fare structure=20
systemwide next year.

Signs of customer revolt have been clear: American Express Corporate=20
Services, for example, saw use of discounted, non-refundable fares by its=20
business clients jump to 40% during the first half of this year from 25% in=
2000, says spokeswoman Melissa Abernathy. That's because the average=20
non-refundable ticket price was $440 round trip, vs. the average refundable=
fare of $1,144. The defection of business travelers to discounted tickets=20
or low-fare airlines is costing the traditional airlines billions in=20
revenue. What American is doing with its fare testing is "similar to what=20
we're doing: trying to make things more convenient and simple for=20
customers," says J.C. Penney travel manager Mike Spooner. Penney's is based=
in suburban Dallas, American's home base. "We wish them luck" in their=20
testing, says Spooner. The risks for American and Delta are potentially=20
huge. The new, lower business fares might not attract enough additional=20
passengers to offset the revenue lost by cutting prices. That could cause=20
additional losses in a year when the industry already is expected to lose=20
more than $7 billion.

Or competitors, either traditional carriers or discounters, could undercut=
the new fares. That likely would force American and Delta to abandon the=20
new fare structures, leaving business travelers again having to choose=20
between paying for a high fare for flexibility or a low fare with tight=20
restrictions. All the talk about cutting business fares sounds familiar to=
America West. In March, the Phoenix-based carrier restructured business=20
fares systemwide, cutting refundable, walk-up fares and loosening=20
restrictions on business fares bought in advance. Other major airlines=20
quickly retaliated, matching or undercutting America West's new fares. Even=
so, the airline says the fare changes are driving traffic and revenue=20
growth. "Business travelers are demanding changes," says America West=20
spokesman Jim Sabourin. "Other airlines are beginning to get the message."

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