My first thought on seeing the 25 pax removed was: does Air Canada have so few passengers that 25 will make a difference? Over 6 months, say Air Canada has 100 flights with 100 people on it (this is just an example - no real figures were used or harmed in this example). That would 100 x 100 x 6 = 60,000 pax. 25 pax not able to fly = 0.04167%. Guess Air Canada does have a damn thin margin > << SKY MARSHALS > Airlines in Canada say the cost of tickets may go up unless the federal > government pays for the seats provided to RCMP sky marshals. >> > > Am I missing something here? Are Canadian airlines so different than the > American counterparts? > Skymarshalls usually fly in FirstClass and I venture that 95% of the occupied > seats in "F" are free upgrades for FreqFlyers. How does this cost the > carriers money? > Seems the airlines are trying every trick they can to get Govt support and > payoffs. > Dennis